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For faster tracking of your Tax Free shopping refund enter your Tax Free form details below. Do not include any spaces or hyphens - just the numbers and letters only.


If you have a query about your tax refund progress, please click here.


For Tax Free shopping in the United Arab Emirates, please visit the dedicated UAE website by clicking here.


For Tax Free shopping in the Finland, please visit our Finland webpage.


We are sorry but barcode number:

was not found in our system.

For more information, please click here to provide the details from your Tax Free form(s), or email us here

Enter your Tax Free form's barcode number:
reCAPTCHA is required.

Track my refund

Each of our Tax Free forms has a unique number - you can usually find it at the top of your form.


If you need further help, please use the links below:


We have not received a qualifying Tax Free form for your VAT refund, and as a result we will / have debited your account according to the Terms and Conditions that you signed when receiving the refund in cash. 


For additional information please refer to this page.


If you have any other queries, please contact our customer services team by providing the details from your Tax Free form(s) on this Tax Free enquiry page.

Your Tax Free form has been received successfully and we're processing your refund. If you selected one of the following refund methods, please allow 30 days to receive your refund:


  • Credit card
  • Alipay
  • Cheque
  • Bank transfer
  • Ctrip Pass


If you do not receive the amount after 30 days, or have any other queries, please contact our customer services team by providing the details from your Tax Free form(s) on this Tax Free enquiry page.


We are waiting to receive your stamped Tax Free form.


Please ensure you have sent us the original stamped Tax Free form to one of our offices. See a full list of our available country offices.


If you have sent your Tax Free form recently, please allow up to 30 days for the process to be completed.


If you have any other queries, please contact our customer services team by providing the details from your Tax Free form(s) on this Tax Free enquiry page.


We have issues processing your Tax Free form, please contact our Customer Support team by providing the details from your Tax Free form(s) on this Tax Free enquiry page.


We have received your qualifying Tax Free form and recredited your account.  Please note that recredits may be subject to additional fees.


If you have any other queries, please contact our customer services team by providing the details from your Tax Free form(s) on this Tax Free enquiry page 


We have received your Tax free form and paid your refund by one of the following refund methods:


  • Cash
  • Alipay instant refund
  • WeChat instant refund


The refunding process is now complete.


If you have any other queries, please contact our customer services team by providing the details from your Tax Free form(s) on this Tax Free enquiry page 


We have paid your refund by one of the following refund methods:


  • Credit card
  • Alipay
  • Cheque/Prepaid card
  • Bank transfer
  • Ctrip Pass


Please allow up to 10 working days for the refund to appear on your account. If you have any other queries, please contact our customer services team by providing the details from your Tax Free form(s) on this Tax Free enquiry page


We have received your Tax Free form and the refunding process is now complete.


Your refund amount was deducted from the original purchase amount at the time of purchase in the store.


If you have any other queries, please contact our customer services team by providing the details from your Tax Free form(s) on this Tax Free enquiry page


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